
ホーム > 部会のご案内 > Medical Safety (MS) 部会

Medical Safety (MS) 部会

◆Medical Safety(MS)部会 関連の最新記事
・Medical Safety部会セミナー開催(7/31)のお知らせ

Medical Safety(MS)部会

 Medical Safetyは、市販後及び治験における安全管理に関わる問題に興味のある会員の集まりです。

Medical Safety (MS) Committee

The Medical Safety Committee is an association of JAPhMed members who are involved in the safety management of post-marketing and investigational products.
Its mission is to contribute to the public health through maximizing benefit-risk of medicinal products seamlessly from pre-clinical to post-marketing based on the pharmaceutical medicine, and its vision is to share the practical issues experienced through the safety risk management of drugs among members and to establish the best practice of risk management.
Recently we have held around 3 meetings a year apart from JAPhMed monthly meeting.
