
ホーム > What's New , 製薬医学教育コース > 2013年開講製薬医学教育プログラムのご案内(第ニ報)





(1)  日本製薬医学会会員による受講申込




※参考: 日本製薬医学会非会員の受講希望者は下記3点の文書ファイルを日本製薬医学会事務局に提出し、教育部会による書面審査を受ける必要があります。





(2)  アカデミアとの位置づけ




(3)  年間講義スケジュール



MEIセンターURL:  http://mei.osaka-u.ac.jp/


(4)  事前・事後学習、評価・試験



≪Call for application: Course in Pharmaceutical Medicine≫

Final guideline for application is announced in brochure (Japanese, (https://japhmed.jp/BrochurePharmaceuticalMedicineCourse.pdf), in which detailed information is available regarding the entry to this course.

Outlines are as shown below:


(1)  Entrance application submitted by JAPhMed members

Primary target of this course is our members.

Members hoping to enter this course can simply inform JAPhMed administration office of their intent of eentrance. Once informed, administration office for this course will directly contact you to tell practical process.

(In case if non-members want to enter this course, they should submit necessary information (graduate status of 6 years' education in medicine or pharmaceutical science, 2+ years of experience related to pharmaceutical medicine, a letter of recommendation) to our administration office for review.)


(2) Positioning of this course with academia

The Center for Advanced Medical Engineering and Informatics, Osaka University (MEI center) and National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center (NCCV) are jointly operating Clinical Research Professional (CRP) Course. Our course based on PharmaTrain syllabus and core curriculum is to be provided as the year-long program of this CRP course.

To note, JAPhMed is promoting this year-long course only and 2-year learning is strongly recommended, while one can separately take individual lecture as needed through Osaka University.


(3) Lecture schedule

The course is provided from Aug 31st, 2013 (Sat) to Mar 8th, 2014' (Sat), mainly given on each Saturday (with occasional lectures on Friday). For actual schedule, please refer to Osaka University website (http://mei.osaka-u.ac.jp/) which will be updated in Mar 2013'. Each lecture is 90 minutes long, two lectures in the morning and other two in the afternoon. Not only lectures but group discussion and presentation may be expected. If unable to attend the lecture, alternative tasks will be asked to perform.


(4) Pre/Post works, evaluation/examination

There are six modules provided each year, and lecturers will introduce articles and references for pre and post works. Also at the end of each module, an examination will be done to assess the learning outcomes. Based on these assessments, final evaluation will be made at the end of annual lectures.

To apply for examination to be certified by JAPhMed board, taking this 2-year course is required.

From now on, only those who successfully completed 2-year course can apply for examination.


