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教育目標 - Learning outcomes



近年、様々な人材育成プログラムにおいて、単なる知識の暗記ではなく実際の業務現場で発揮できる個人のCompetency(能力、行動特性)の育成が重視されるようになってきました。国際製薬医学医師連合会(IFAPP)では、その40有余年にわたる製薬医学の実践を通してCompetencyに基づく教育(Competency based education: CBE)の重要性に注目し、学部教育、卒後教育、生涯教育を通して製薬医学・医薬品開発科学における4つの分野でのCompetencyを定義することで教育の明確な目標を提示しています:

  • 創薬と初期開発
  • 臨床開発と臨床試験
  • 医薬品規制
  • 医薬品の安全性とサーベイランス
  • 倫理と被験者保護
  • 医療市場
  • コミュニケーションとマネジメント

H.Silva et al, Core competencies for pharmaceutical physicians iand drug development scientists, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Vol 4, Article 105, August 2013

Statement of Competence (IFAPPによる定義)

The Pharmaceutical Physician/Drug Development Scientist:

  1. Is able to identify unmet therapeutic needs, evaluate the evidence for a new candidate for clinical development and design a Clinical Development Plan for a Target Product Profile.

  2. Is able to design, execute and evaluate exploratory and confirmatory clinical trials and prepare manuscripts or reports for publication and regulatory submissions.

  3. Is able to interpret effectively the regulatory requirements for the clinical development of a new drug through the product life-cycle to ensure its appropriate therapeutic use and proper risk management.

  4. Is able to evaluate the choice, application and analysis of post-authorization surveillance methods to meet the requirements of national/international agencies for proper information and risk minimisation to patients and clinical trial subjects.

  5. Is able to combine the principles of clinical research and business ethics for the conduct of clinical trials and commercial operations within the organisation.

  6. Is able to appraise the pharmaceutical business activities in the healthcare environment to ensure that they remain appropriate, ethical and legal to keep the welfare of patients and subjects at the forefront of decision making in the promotion of medicines and design of clinical trials.

  7. Is able to interpret the principles and practices of people management and leadership, using effective communication techniques and interpersonal skills to influence key stakeholders and achieve the scientific and business objectives.

H.Silva et al, Core competencies for pharmaceutical physicians iand drug development scientists, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Vol 4, Article 105, August 2013


Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP)が実施するCertification of Physician Investigator (CPI)試験では、PIとして下記の分野について十分な実行能力があることが求められています(詳細はHandbookを参照ください):

  1. Investigational Product Management
  2. Protocol
  3. Safety
  4. Trial Management
  5. Trial Oversight